How Long Does It Take to Get A Canadian Passport

    QuestionsCategory: TravelHow Long Does It Take to Get A Canadian Passport
    Staff asked 3 years ago

    How Long Does It Take to Get A Canadian Passport and How Much Does It Cost?

    When you’re applying for a Canadian passport from the UK, are there are some things I need to know and take into consideration?

    1 Answers
    Staff answered 3 years ago

    How Long Does It Take to Get A Canadian Passport and How Much Does It Cost?
    When you’re applying for a Canadian passport as someone from the UK, there are some things you need to know and take into consideration. The first thing you need to know is that there are multiple ways to submit your application. One way to do this is by delivering your application to your nearest Government of Canada office, this can be done by mail or in person, another way you can submit it is by travelling to Canada and submitting it in person at the passport office. Additionally, the processing time for your Canadian passport application could generally take up to six weeks, but this does not include mailing time as the passports are printed in Canada.
    There are fees for yours and your families new passports, and they vary based on your age and the length of time before it expires. First, a child’s passport will cost 100 CAN$ and applies to people who are between the ages of 0 and 15. Secondly, there’s the 5-year adult passport for people over 16 which costs 190 CAN$, while the 10-year adult passport will cost you 260 CAN$. In addition to this, you can incur extra fees for replacing your passport if it’s lost or stolen and if you need any other administration services.
    Something else you need to consider is how you take your photo for your new Canadian passport. There are requirements for the Canadian passport photos which you will need to submit, and these are listed below:

    • Your photo needs to be clear, sharp and in focus with a plain white or beige background
    • You will need to have a neutral facial expression
    • It needs to be taken by a commercial photographer or in a studio which has no shadow around you
    • The physical version of your photo needs to be 50mm wide by 70mm high and professionally printed
    • The photo cannot be altered or edited in any way

    Additionally, there is some information that needs to be written on the back of your photos too. The first thing that needs to be put on the back is a stamp or handwritten note which states the date it was taken with a name and complete address of the studio it was taken in. You will also need a guarantor who will write “I certify this to be a true likeness of (applicants name)” and they will also need to sign it. Them doing this will confirm that no editing has taken place and that it is a recent photo.
    If you don’t have someone who could be your guarantor, then there is a way around this. The direction you’d have to go in for this is to request a Statutory Declaration in Lieu of Guarantor form, in order to get one of these, you’d have to send an email to [email protected]. In order for this form to be successful, it needs to be signed by an official notary.

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