Single Color Flyer Printing VS Full Color Flyers Printing

flyer printing

Single Color Flyer Printing VS Full Color Flyers Printing

Various options, good price, and lead generation have made flyer printing essential tools for any kind of small or large scale business. The convenient and effective way of delivering the message through a flyer has made it more famous among people. The age old tradition of printing has increased in quality and versatility by an introduction of full-color flyers printing.

There is a big difference between single color flyer printing and full-color flyer printing. Here are the details of both types.

Cost of Flyer
The cost of full-color flyers printing is higher as a number of colors are used for printing the flyer. One the other hand single color flyer is inexpensive as only one color is used in flyer printing.
Appearance and Demand

The single color flyer is light weighted than the full color flyer. However, as full-color flyer looks more beautiful because of the use of various colors, people admire and prefer receiving them. Sales and services are better promoted using full-color flyer and mere information without any image are shared with a single flyer. The attractive appearance increases the demand of using full-color flyer in today’s business world.

Quality of Paper          
Full-color flyers printing involve premium paper or card which increases the cost of the flyer. It is used for pulling the desired prospects from the competitive market. A single color is used at times when there is a much need of flyers on a regular basis which involves the huge printing of flyers.

Professional Usage
The full-color flyer is preferable in sales presentation and trade fairs while single color is not exceedingly commendable in commerce conference and marketing campaigns. Full-color flyers printing gives a more professional look than the single color flyer and therefore the use of full color is increasing day by day with the advanced printing options.

Wins Competition
A full-color flyer helps the company stand out among many companies and brings more chances to win the selling game while single color keeps the company in competition stage.

Full-color flyers are printed on double-sided and full bleed of gloss, uncoated, soft touch, kraft, black and many other options.

Both full-color flyers printing and single color flyer printing has own benefits and usage. The companies who decide to use flyers for different uses must evaluate that which flyer can work for them in the short and long run. A good analysis could help in using the right flyer printing option for the company.

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